Message from the CEO
We are excited to introduce this new members-exclusive newsletter, designed to keep you well-informed on key legislative changes, government relations issues, building code changes, and the latest in building innovation. In a rapidly changing and heavily regulated industry, staying up-to-date is essential, and we are committed to providing you with timely insights and alerts to support your success.
Make sure to accept the Advocacy Update into your inbox reading to stay informed and engaged with the developments that impact our industry and your association.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Sincerely, Neil Moody CEO
This newsletter is exclusive for CHBA BC members. If there is a colleague in your company or a fellow member who would like to subscribe, please let them know to update their contact information with their local association (all members of local homebuilders' associations are automatically members of CHBA BC).
Election platform released by all three parties
As the BC Provincial Election approaches on October 19, all three of the main political parties have unveiled their platforms on housing. All three parties place a strong emphasis on tackling affordability and boosting supply. Proposals range from increasing support for non-market housing, reducing “red tape”, investing in local infrastructure, increasing investments in purpose-built rental housing, and streamlining the permitting process.
To see a summary of the platform highlights that will most affect you as a builder/developer, click the link below.
BC grants in-stream protections for adaptable dwelling units and earthquake design
In response to industry recommendation, extended in-stream protections for housing projects with substantial design work completed are available, in relation to the 2024 BC Building Code's adaptable dwelling unit and earthquake design requirements.
This means in-stream projects must apply for a building permit before March 8, 2027, in order to maintain the previous 2018 BC Building Code's adaptable dwelling unit and seismic design provisions.
CHBA BC has extensively advocated for improving in-stream protections since the changes were proposed in June 2023 and welcomes the amendment to reduce impacts on projects underway.
Interim guidance released for Bill 16 implementation
This spring, Bill 16 was introduced to provide local governments with tools to enact bylaws that support pro-active planning and facilitate the pre-zoning required through the Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing and Transit-Oriented Development legislations. Since its introduction, interim guidance has been released for Inclusionary Zoning and Density Bonus and Tenant Protection authorities. Interim Guidance on the site-level infrastructure and transportation demand management authorities are expected this fall.
The Interim Guidance documents will then be expanded upon and replaced by more comprehensive guidance after consultation with local governments and industry through the Development Finance Review Committee and is expected to be released in early 2025.
Free standardized designs for small-scale multi-unit housing
The Ministry of Housing released a catalogue of free standardized designs for small-scale, multi-unit housing, intended to speed up the building process and reduce the cost for this housing.
The digital designs are free to the public and can be used by builders, designers, and homeowners to build accessory dwelling units, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, and townhomes. The designs use a component-based approach that enables many potential configurations that can be layered two or three storeys high, including options for garages and increased number of bedrooms.
Access the design files here. (Note: you must accept the terms of use to download the files.)
BC enables new residential multi-unit single exit stair buildings
Effective August 27, 2024, the BC Building Code allows the design and construction of single exit stair buildings, up to 6 storeys in height:
- Limit the occupancy load to 24 people, per floor,
- Limit the travel distance to the exit,
- Provide automatic sprinkler systems throughout buildings, including balconies,
- Manage smoke movement and include other fire protections, and
- Require high-level local fire department and high-level building operations and management to ensure ongoing fire system inspections.
CHBA BC has long supported this change that increases housing options since its original code change request in May 2022.
BC Hydro announced a series of investments for capital projects to upgrade and expand the electricity grid to provide power for homes, businesses, transportation, and growing demand for electricity across sectors. CHBA BC has long advocated for BC Hydro investments and transparency in new and expanded distribution, emphasizing the need to support growth by ensuring a reliable and expanded electricity infrastructure.
The CleanBC Multi-Unit Residential Building Retrofit Program provides rebates and energy coaching to building owners, strata councils and equity co-op boards to make the switch to more energy-efficient technologies, such as heat pumps and LED lighting, as well as improved windows and ventilation. The new program will also provide funding for the cost of electrical upgrades required for buildings to switch from fossil fuels to low carbon electricity.
FortisBC revised its New Home Program to better support new construction projects, including $15,000 or more to build to Step 4 and $20,000 or more to meet Step 5.
Metro Vancouver developers push back against the Metro Vancouver Regional District to reconsider DCC increases. Developers include Wesgroup, Polygon, Anthem, Strand, Edgar, and Zenterra.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to:
Jenny Scott, Director of Policy and Government Relations at
Pauline Rupp, Director of Technical and Building Innovation at