Advocacy Update #6 - January 14, 2025

Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, CHBA BC is excited to share a snapshot of the key 2025 advocacy priorities that build on the progress made in 2024 and reflect just a few of the ways we’re  working to support the industry with policies that address housing supply and affordability.


2025 Snapshot



The 2024 provincial election was a pivotal moment for CHBA BC’s advocacy efforts. Throughout the election, we worked tirelessly to ensure housing issues remained top priorities for all parties. To champion policies that support the homebuilding industry, we met with all major political parties to share our key policy priorities including streamlining the approvals process, prioritizing skilled trades, reducing the cost to build homes, and enabling low carbon solutions for new homes. To support member advocacy, we also developed an Election Toolkit with talking points, quick facts, and a party platform comparison. These efforts ensured our industry’s voice was heard throughout the campaign.


With a significant number of new faces among MLAs across all parties, 2025 will focus on building relationships with these new elected officials as well as the several newly appointed Cabinet Ministers. Early outreach will include proactive communication to educate MLAs on industry challenges and priorities. By fostering these connections, we’ll work to ensure housing issues remain a central focus for the new government.



Previously on BC Building Code 2024…

CHBA BC and industry associations advocated for a delayed implementation and mitigation measures for seismic and adaptability provisions under the BC Building Code 2024. Following extensive engagement with the Building and Safety Standards Branch (BSSB), the Province announced enhanced two-year in-stream protections for projects for which drawings were prepared before March 8, 2024. Review the criteria details here.


Contact Pauline Rupp if you have in-stream projects being denied extended protection.


Next up: Code changes coming into effect March 2025…

Consultants contracted by BSSB are conducting a Space and Cost Impact Study, as well as developing an Illustrated Design Guide associated with the new seismic and adaptable dwelling requirements under BC Building Code 2024. These materials are anticipated to be completed by January 13 and February 28, respectively.


Projects for which building permits are applied for on or after March 10, 2025, are subject to adaptable dwelling unit and seismic requirements in the BC Building Code 2024:

  • 100 per cent adaptable dwelling units in large condominium and apartment buildings; and the first floor dwelling units in new small apartments and condominiums to be adaptable;
  • Reinforcement of bathroom walls to allow future installation of grab bars;
  • Lateral load design changes for housing and residential buildings, including all Part 9 and Part 3 residential projects.


The implementation of key housing-related legislation—Bill 44 (SSMUH), 46 (Development Finance), and 47 (Transit-Oriented Development)—was a major focus for CHBA BC in 2024.

These bills introduced significant changes requiring municipalities to adopt new bylaws/policies to support small-scale multi-unit housing and higher-density housing in areas well-served by transit, as well as introducing new development finance tools. CHBA BC actively engaged with the provincial government to monitor the rollout of these changes.


Continued implementation of these changes will remain a key focus in 2025 as the provincial government releases guidance documents intended to provide greater clarity on and outline best practices for municipal implementation. Further, the provincially mandated deadline for municipalities to submit their interim Housing Needs Reports (HNRs) was January 1, 2025. By December 31, 2025, municipalities will now be required to update their Official Community Plans (OCPs) and zoning bylaws to ensure that the identified 5- and 20-year housing needs are met. It is anticipated that this will be a significant focus for municipalities this year, and this process will be crucial in aligning local planning with provincial housing goals to address the lack of housing supply in BC.



In response to growing concerns about rising development costs, CHBA BC established a new Development Finance Subcommittee within the Government Relations Committee in 2024. In 2025, we will work with the subcommittee to strengthen our advocacy efforts, focusing on advocating for meaningful consultation, early notice to industry, phased implementation of significant increases, and improved in-stream protection.



Throughout 2024, CHBA BC actively engaged with the Attorney General, submitting multiple letters outlining members’ concerns with introducing prompt payment legislation in BC. With the final working group report set for release in 2025, we will continue to advocate against these measures to ensure they do not create further challenges and obstacles for the industry.


Thank you for your ongoing engagement. With your support, CHBA BC will remain a strong advocate for policies that support the residential construction industry. We look forward to achieving more together in 2025.

This newsletter is exclusive for Canadian Home Builders' Association of BC (CHBA BC) members. If a colleague would like to subscribe, please have them update their contact information with their local association. For questions, feel free to contact Jenny Scott, Director of Policy and Government Relations, or Pauline Rupp, Director of Technical and Building Innovation.

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